Taoist Practices

in the West of Ireland

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Therapeutic Oils handmade in Connemara
An abdominal massage called 'Chi Nei Tsang'

Chi Nei Tsang, an internal organ chi abdominal massage

Chi Nei Tsang means an internal organ chi massage. A type of internal Qi Gong.

According to the Oriental medicine, The Tan Dien (a litte area at 3 to 4 cm below the navel) is our main vital enegy centre by which we access to all major organs.

This centre is the hub of our second brain, also the eteric nervous system, a door to reach underlying emotional issues that we might not be fully conscious of.

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Tailored Therapeutic Oils

To enhance awareness & well-being

Emotional, physiological, mental, energetic and spiritual issues.

Massage Sessions

To feel grounded, balanced & focused

Using essential oils, medicinal herbs, moxibustion, neddle or only by hands.


Haircuts done with a cut throat rasor

Following the moon calendar and cycles.


In Spiddal, co. Galway

If you live out of county Galway or abroad, aromatherapy web sessions are also available.


Céline has a Passion for Plants and their Vibrations

She is a holistic massage therapist with knowledge of aromatherapy and essential oils; a real passionate about their marvels and how the metabolism reacts with the olfactory sense. She keeps studying plants and energetics science since she has started using essential oils in 2002, constantly updating her knowledge. 

She is also an intuitive and a creative person. After having worked for more than 15 years in the film industry in France, she decided to train in alternative medicines (energy massages and aromatherapy) and to settle in Ireland in order to have a better quality of life. She moved to County Galway in 2006 without a word of English.

She could be described as a person with guts, perseverance and highly motivated to help people to complete their life projects; creative with the ability to accept uncertainty and a hard worker. She is in good health mentally and physically as long as she follows her goals always seeking to keep her integrity intact.

If you are surfing in her website, you might meet her on your path, who knows?

Her mission is to do her best to help you in your healing process.
You are Unique, You need the Best for Yourself!